We are excited to share some incredible news with you all! We recently released the Arduino CLI version 1.0.0, marking a significant milestone for our software. This release is a big deal because it signifies the stabilization of the software API, bringing greater reliability and predictability to our users and developers leveraging it in their projects.

The Arduino CLI offers multiple ways to integrate and utilize its capabilities:

You can find more information about the different ways the Arduino CLI can be integrated in your software in the official documentation.

It’s been almost two months since the release of version 1.0.0, and we are now at version 1.0.4. In this short time, we have been working hard to address issues, fix bugs, and enhance the software. We are committed to delivering the best possible experience for our users, and each new version brings us closer to that goal.

For a comprehensive overview of the features included in Arduino CLI version 1.0.0, please refer to the official release notes. This list details all the enhancements, improvements, and new functionalities that make this release a significant step forward for our community.

To minimize the impact on our users, we accumulated almost all of the breaking changes for the 1.0.0 release, allowing us to clean up early design errors and other issues in one major event. From now on, our backward compatibility policy is designed to ensure stability and predictability for our community, specifically for the Arduino CLI. For more details about this policy, you can refer to the relevant documentation.

As we continue to build upon this foundation, we are looking forward to delivering even more improvements and new features in future releases. Thank you to our amazing community for your support and feedback – we couldn’t have reached this milestone without you. Stay tuned for future updates, and thank you for being part of this journey! 

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