Pan - A simple, lightweight, and privacy-focused product analytics php package

Nuno Maduro just released a new PHP package called Pan. Pan is a lightweight and privacy-focused PHP product analytics library. It’s designed as a very simple package that you can install via composer require and start tracking your pages or components with a simple data-pan attribute.

Currently, Pan tracks only the following events: impressions, hovers, and clicks. It does not collect any personal information, such as IP addresses, user agents, or any data that could be used to identify a user.

Pan Use Cases

How does Pan work?

Via middleware, Pan injects a simple JavaScript library into your HTML pages. This library listens to events like viewed, clicked, or hovered and sends the data to your Laravel application. Note that this library does not collect any personal information; such as IP addresses, user agents, or any information that could be used to identify a user.

Also on the client-side, these events are collected in a very performant way and batched together to reduce the number of requests to your server.

On the server-side, Pan only stores: the analytic name, and a counter of how many times the different events were triggered. Via the pan Artisan command, you may visualize this data, and hopefully use this information to improve your application.

Visit the projects Github for complete details.

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