The Ability to Prevent Destructive Commands From Running is Coming to Laravel 11

In an upcoming Laravel release, you can prevent commands like database migrations from accidentally running in production environments. The next Laravel release should include the ability to use a framework Prohibitable trait to stop commands from running:

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Console\Prohibitable;

class SomeDestructiveCommand extends Command
    use Prohibitable;

// SomeDestructiveCommand::prohibit($this->app->isProduction());

The Laravel framework includes some database commands that include the Prohibitable trait, such as db:wipe, migrate:fresh, migrate:refresh, and migrate:reset:

public function boot(): void

Using the DB Facade, you can prohibit destructive database commands built into Laravel:

// Prohibits: db:wipe, migrate:fresh, migrate:refresh, and migrate:reset

The prohibit() method accepts a Boolean argument that defaults to true, and you can conditionally prevent commands from running using whatever logic you need, so that you can still run them in development environments:

public function boot(): void

We don't know when the next version of Laravel 11.x will be released, but we should get this feature in the next release since it's been merged into the 11.x branch. You can learn more about this upcoming feature in the merged Pull Request #51376 by Jason McCreary.

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