
Since 2024
Creating Your Own PHP Helpers in a Laravel Project
Creating Your Own PHP Helpers in a Laravel Project

Laravel provides many excellent helper functions that are convenient for doing things like working with arrays, file paths, strings, and routes, among other things like the beloved dd() function. You can also define your own set of helper functions for your Laravel applications and PHP packages, by using Composer to import them automatically. If you are new to Laravel or PHP, let’s walk through how you might go about creating your own helper functions that automatically get loaded by Laravel. Creating a Helpers file in a Laravel App The first scenario you might want to include your helper functions is within the context of a Laravel application. Depending on your preference, you can organize the location of your helper file(s) however you want, however, here are a few suggested locations: app/helpers.php app/Http/helpers.php I prefer to keep mine in app/helpers.php in the root of the application namespace. Autoloading To use your PHP helper functions, you need to load them into your program at runtime. In the early days of my career, it wasn’t uncommon to see this kind of code at the top of a file: require_once ROOT . '/helpers.php'; PHP functions cannot be autoloaded. However, we have a much better solution through Composer than using require or require_once. If you create a new Laravel project, you will see an autoload and autoload-dev keys in the composer.json file: "autoload": { "classmap": [ "database/seeds", "database/factories" ], "psr-4": { "App\\": "app/" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Tests\\": "tests/" } }, If you want to add a helpers file, composer has a files key (which is an array of file paths) that you can define inside of autoload: "autoload": { "files": [ "app/helpers.php" ], "classmap": [ "database/seeds", "database/factories" ], "psr-4": { "App\\": "app/" } }, Once you add a new path to the files array, you need to dump the autoloader: composer dump-autoload Now on every request the helpers.php file will be loaded automatically because Laravel requires Composer’s autoloader in public/index.php: require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; Defining Functions Defining functions in your helpers class is the easy part, although, there are a few caveats. All of the Laravel helper files are wrapped in a check to avoid function definition collisions: if (! function_exists('env')) { function env($key, $default = null) { // ... } } This can get tricky, because you can run into situations where you are using a function definition that you did not expect based on which one was defined first. I prefer to use function_exists checks in my application helpers, but if you are defining helpers within the context of your application, you could forgo the function_exists check. By skipping the check, you’d see collisions any time your helpers are redefining functions, which could be useful. In practice, collisions don’t tend to happen as often as you’d think, and you should make sure you’re defining function names that aren’t overly generic. You can also prefix your function names to make them less likely to collide with other dependencies. Helper Example I like the Rails path and URL helpers that you get for free when defining a resourceful route. For example, a photos resource route would expose route helpers like new_photo_path, edit_photo_path`, etc. When I use resource routing in Laravel, I like to add a few helper functions that make defining routes in my templates easier. In my implementation, I like to have a URL helper function that I can pass an Eloquent model and get a resource route back using conventions that I define, such as: create_route($model); edit_route($model); show_route($model); destroy_route($model); Here’s how you might define a show_route in your app/helpers.php file (the others would look similar): if (! function_exists('show_route')) { function show_route($model, $resource = null) { $resource = $resource ?? plural_from_model($model); return route("{$resource}.show", $model); } } if (! function_exists('plural_from_model')) { function plural_from_model($model) { $plural = Str::plural(class_basename($model)); return Str::kebab($plural); } } The plural_from_model() function is just some reusable code that the helper route functions use to predict the route resource name based on a naming convention that I prefer, which is a kebab-case plural of a model. For example, here’s an example of the resource name derived from the model: $model = new App\LineItem; plural_from_model($model); // => line-items plural_from_model(new App\User); // => users Using this convention you’d define the resource route like so in routes/web.php: Route::resource('line-items', 'LineItemsController'); Route::resource('users', 'UsersController'); And then in your blade templates, you could do the following: <a href="{{ show_route($lineItem) }}"> {{ $lineItem->name }} </a> Which would produce something like the following HTML: <a href="http://localhost/line-items/1"> Line Item #1 </a> Packages Your Composer packages can also use a helpers file for any helper functions you want to make available to projects consuming your package. You will take the same approach in the package’s composer.json file, defining a files key with an array of your helper files. It’s imperative that you add function_exists() checks around your helper functions so that projects using your code don’t break due to naming collisions. You should choose proper function names that are unique to your package, and consider using a short prefix if you are afraid your function name is too generic. Learn More Check out Composer’s autoloading documentation to learn more about including files, and general information about autoloading classes. The post Creating Your Own PHP Helpers in a Laravel Project appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Fast Server-Side Code Highlighting with Tempest
Fast Server-Side Code Highlighting with Tempest

The Tempest highlight package by Brent Roose released v1.0 yesterday, offering a fast, extensible, server-side code highlighting for HTML and terminal in PHP: require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; use Tempest\Highlight\Highlighter; use Tempest\Highlight\Themes\LightTerminalTheme; $highlighter = new Highlighter(new LightTerminalTheme()); $code = <<<'CODE' <?php require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; use Tempest\Highlight\Highlighter; use Tempest\Highlight\Themes\LightTerminalTheme; $highlighter = new Highlighter(new LightTerminalTheme()); CODE; echo "\n", $highlighter->parse($code, 'php'), "\n\n\n"; Given the above code example, here's what the syntax highlighting looks like in the console: Tempest Highlight with Light Theme Note: the built-in theme in the tempest/highlight package is for a light terminal theme, and it seems easy to provide your own highlighter theme for the console 👍 At the time of writing, v1.0.0 was released, and supports the following languages (and a few I wasn't familiar with): Blade CSS DocComment Gdscript HTML JavaScript JSON PHP SQL Twig XML YAML You can add your own languages or extend them easily. Check out the package's readme on adding or extending languages. This package also has a commonmark integration which you can use to highlight code blocks and inline code. Learn More You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub. The readme has info about special tags for emphasis, strong, blur, and additions/deletions, etc. Brent Roose wrote A syntax highlighter that doesn't suck, which gives you the background on why he created the tempest/highlight package. The post Fast Server-Side Code Highlighting with Tempest appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Generate Code Coverage in Laravel With PCOV
Generate Code Coverage in Laravel With PCOV

Laravel has every testing tool you'll need to productively write feature and unit tests, giving you more confidence in your code and fewer bugs. Using an out-of-the-box installation, we can immediately see coverage reports with artisan using the --coverage flag: php artisan test --coverage If you don't have PCOV or Xdebug installed yet, you'll get the following error: ERROR Code coverage driver not available. Did you install Xdebug or PCOV? Depending on your operating system and PHP installation, you might need to install PCOV or build it using the installation documentation. I am using macOS, so I can install PCOV using Shivam Mathur's homebrew-extensions tap for Homebrew: brew install shivammathur/extensions/pcov@8.3 Once you have installed Xdebug or PCOV, you can get a text version of your coverage report: $ php artisan test --coverage ... Tests: 26 passed (76 assertions) Duration: 2.53s Http/Controllers/Auth/VerifyEmailController ............. 18 / 80.0% Http/Controllers/Controller ................................. 100.0% Livewire/Actions/Logout ..................................... 100.0% Livewire/Forms/LoginForm .................... 53..60, 62..61 / 55.6% Models/User ................................................. 100.0% Providers/AppServiceProvider ................................ 100.0% Providers/VoltServiceProvider ............................... 100.0% View/Components/AppLayout ................................... 100.0% View/Components/GuestLayout ................................... 0.0% Total: 74.4 % Very nice! HTML Reports We can get a more detailed coverage report in other formats, including my favorite for development, an HTML report: vendor/bin/pest --coverage-html=build/coverage Using the --coverage-html flag will create a coverage report in your project, at the build/coverage path, and you can open the index.html file to see it in the browser: HTML coverage in Laravel Note: It's ideal that you ignore the path you intend to use for coverage reports, in my case I would add build to .gitignore. PHPUnit has many coverage options available. For a complete list, you can run phpunit --help. Configuring Coverage in phpunit.xml I prefer using CLI flags to create coverage reports so that I can generate HTML reports in development and Clover reports during CI builds. You might, however, want to configure coverage to run each time you run pest or phpunit: <phpunit xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit.xsd" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" colors="true" > <!-- ... --> <coverage> <report> <html outputDirectory="build/coverage"/> <text outputFile="build/coverage.txt"/> <clover outputFile="build/logs/clover.xml"/> </report> </coverage> </phpunit> The above coverage configuration creates an HTML, text, and clover coverage artifact. Now, each time you run your test suite, it will generate coverage reports. I prefer the flexibility of using CLI flags to generate coverage, but XML configuration might be preferable to some. You can learn more about the <coverage> tag in the PHPUnit XML Configuration File reference. How is Coverage Determined? To produce accurate coverage, PHPUnit needs to know which code you own to include in the coverage report. Defining the <include> element is recommended, which Laravel does by default when you create a project. You only have to change this if you want/have nonstandard paths for application source code. Here's what the <source> section should look like on a typical Laravel app installation: <source> <include> <directory>app</directory> </include> </source> If you're using some sort of module pattern, you might need to include other directories to reflect accurate coverage outside of the app folder. Also, PCOV needs to know about these other directories, or you'll get 0% coverage in other app folders. Why? Because PCOV attempts to find src, lib, or app when is left unset. We can demonstrate this by creating a sample file so you can visualize how to set this up. Coverage With Nonstandard Code Paths I recommend sticking the Laravel's conventions, but you might run into situations where you work on existing code that has source code in other places besides the app folder. We can configure PHPUnit and PCOV to include this code as part of the coverage report, with a few tweaks. Let's mimic this; assuming you're starting in a fresh Laravel app, create an example module: # inside a Laravel app mkdir -p module/Example/src Add the following to Example.php in the src folder of the example module: <?php namespace Module\Example; class Example { public function sayHello($name = 'World') { return "Hello, {$name}!"; } } Next, we need to autoload this code to run a test covering this example class. Open composer.json and add the following autoload line: "autoload": { "psr-4": { "App\\": "app/", "Module\\Example\\": "module/Example/src/", "Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/", "Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/" } } After updating the composer.json file, run composer dumpautoload to update the autoloader and find the new path. As I mentioned before, PHPUnit needs to know about the locations of our source code. Open phpunit.xml and update the <source> configuration to include our module: <source> <include> <directory>app</directory> <directory>module/*/src</directory> </include> </source> Next, create a test file so we can illustrate a 0% coverage report for our module: php artisan make:test --unit ExampleModuleTest Add the following to the created ExampleModuleTest.php file: use Module\Example\Example; test('it says hello', function () { $subject = new Example(); expect($subject->sayHello())->toEqual('Hello, World!'); }); If you run the test suite now, you'll get a 0% coverage report for the module folder: vendor/bin/pest --coverage-html=build/coverage If you open up the latest coverage report, you'll notice the missing coverage, even though the test is passing: Missing module coverage We can fix this by changing a few PCOV configuration options: php -d pcov.enabled=1 -d -dpcov.exclude="~vendor~" \ vendor/bin/pest --coverage-html=build/coverage In a typical Laravel application structure, we don't have to do this because the coverage report will look for the app folder automatically. However, if your project needs to report coverage in other paths, we have to set the to the project's root. Since the vendor folder is in the project's root and we never want to scan vendor, we can give PCOV the pcov.exclude pattern. If you run the above and then refresh the HTML report, you should see coverage reported! Working module coverage in a Laravel app Including these PCOV options is tedious, so I prefer to add some composer scripts to do this for me: "scripts": { "test:html": [ "Composer\\Config::disableProcessTimeout", "php -d pcov.enabled=1 -d -dpcov.exclude=\"~vendor~\" vendor/bin/pest --coverage-html=build/coverage" ] } You can now run composer test:html to generate an HTML coverage report. I also like to define a test:ci script, which I can use for continuous integration (clover) and upload the coverage artifact to a service like Sonar. You now have all the tools needed to generate coverage reports for Laravel applications and account for coverage in nonstandard paths when your project requires it! The post Generate Code Coverage in Laravel With PCOV appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Non-backed Enums in Database Queries and a withSchedule() bootstrap method in Laravel 11.1
Non-backed Enums in Database Queries and a withSchedule() bootstrap method in Laravel 11.1

This week, the Laravel team released v11.1 with a withSchedule bootstrap method, non-backed Enums in query builder, SES list management options, and more. Laravel 11.1 is the first minor version release since the GA of Laravel 11, released earlier this month. Add withSchedule to Application Bootstrap Nuno Maduro contributed a withSchedule method to the bootstrap/app.php file: ->withSchedule(function ($schedule) { $schedule->command('backup:database')->daily(); }) List management options added to SES Mail Transport Ariful Alam contributed the ability to use SES's subscription management features while using the SES mail transport. You can define the following header in the headers() method of a mail message: /** * Get the message headers. */ public function headers(): Headers { return new Headers( text: [ 'X-Ses-List-Management-Options' => 'contactListName=MyContactList;topicName=MyTopic', ], ); } This SES header automatically enables unsubscribe links in every outgoing email you specify the contact list and topic. If a user unsubscribes, SES does not allow email sending. See Laravel's SES driver documentationfor further details. Accept Non-backed Enums in Database Queries Giorgio Balduzzi contributed the ability to use non-backed enums in database queries. Casting Eloquent attributes is already possible. However, using non-backed enums with the query builder was not possible. Now, you can pass these enums to queries as of Laravel 11.1: enum Status { case Active; case Archive; } class User extends Model { protected $casts = [ 'status' => Status::class, ]; } User::where('status', Status::Active)->get(); User::update([ 'status' => Status::Archive]); Queries automatically cast each non-backed enum case to the name value. Conditionable Trait Added to Context Michael Nabil contributed adding the Conditionable trait to Laravel's new Context Facade. This allows for conditionally setting context and also defining default values when false or true depending on the conditionable method: Context::when( auth()->user()->isAdmin(), fn ($context) => $context->add('user', ['key' => 'other data', ...auth()->user()]), fn ($context) => $context->add('user', auth()->user()), ); Release notes You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 11.0.0 and 11.1.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog: v11.1.0 [11.x] MySQL transaction isolation level fix by @mwikberg-virta in [11.x] Add ListManagementOptions in SES mail transport by @arifszn in [11.x] Accept non-backed enum in database queries by @gbalduzzi in [11.x] Add Conditionable trait to Context by @michaelnabil230 in [11.x] Adds [@throws]( section to the Context's doc blocks by @rnambaale in [11.x] Test modifying nullable columns by @hafezdivandari in [11.x] Introduce HASH_VERIFY env var by @valorin in [11.x] Apply default timezone when casting unix timestamps by @daniser in [11.x] Fixes ApplicationBuilder::withCommandRouting() usage by @crynobone in [11.x] Register console commands, paths and routes after the app is booted by @plumthedev in [11.x] Enhance malformed request handling by @jnoordsij in [11.x] Adds withSchedule to bootstrap/app.php file by @nunomaduro in [11.x] Fix dock block for create method in InvalidArgumentException.php by @saMahmoudzadeh in [11.x] signature typo by @abrahamgreyson in [11.x] Simplify ApplicationBuilder::withSchedule() by @crynobone in The post Non-backed Enums in Database Queries and a withSchedule() bootstrap method in Laravel 11.1 appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Cache Routes with Cloudflare in Laravel
Cache Routes with Cloudflare in Laravel

The Cloudflare Cache package for Laravel provides cacheable routes, allowing you to serve millions of requests for static pages efficiently. You can define a group of cacheable routes with the Laravel router, including tags. This package makes it easy to start caching with Cloudflare using the Route::cache() method: Route::cache(tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'], ttl: 600)->group(function () { Route::get('/content_with_tags', function () { return 'content'; }); }); Route::cache(tags: ['staticPages'])->group(function () { // }); This package gives you APIs to purge all content, specific URLs, prefixes/tagged URLs (enterprise), and more. As an example, let's say you want to cache articles (Posts) with Cloudflare and purge the cache whenever the article is updated: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Requests\UpdatePostRequest; use App\Models\Post; use Yediyuz\CloudflareCache\Facades\CloudflareCache; class PostController extends Controller { public function update(Post $post, UpdatePostRequest $request) { $post->update($request->validated()); CloudflareCache::purgeByUrls([ route('', $post->id) ]); return back()->with('message', 'Post updated and url cache purged'); } You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub. The post Cache Routes with Cloudflare in Laravel appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Add Architecture Tests to Saloon API Integrations with Lawman
Add Architecture Tests to Saloon API Integrations with Lawman

Lawman is a Pest PHP plugin that makes adding arch tests to your application for your API integrations easy, with a set of Saloon Expectations! This weekend I worked on something new and shiny for SaloonPHP. I'd like to introduce you to Lawman.Lawman is a @pestphp plugin that makes adding arch tests to your application for your API integrations easy, with a set of Saloon Expectations!✨🤠— Jon Purvis (@JonPurvis_) February 14, 2024 <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> It is already possible to write architecture tests for Saloon with PestPHP, but Lawman aims to make it quicker to write and easier to read. Take this example of a connector arch test with and without Lawman: // Without Lawman test('connector') ->expect('App\Http\Integrations\Integration\Connector') ->toExtend('Saloon\Http\Connector') ->toUse('Saloon\Traits\Plugins\AcceptsJson') ->toUse('Saloon\Traits\Plugins\AlwaysThrowOnErrors'); // With Lawman test('connector') ->expect('App\Http\Integrations\Integration\Connector') ->toBeSaloonConnector() ->toUseAcceptsJsonTrait() ->toUseAlwaysThrowOnErrorsTrait(); You can see examples and a complete list of expectations available in Lawman by checking out the plugin documentation page in the Saloon docs. The post Add Architecture Tests to Saloon API Integrations with Lawman appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.