
Since 2024
DirectoryTree Authorization is a Native Role and Permission Management Package for Laravel
DirectoryTree Authorization is a Native Role and Permission Management Package for Laravel

The DirectoryTree Authorization package by Steve Bauman is an easy, native role and permission management system for Laravel. If you need a super simple native feeling Laravel Authorization package, this one may tickle your fancy— Steve (@ste_bau) April 23, 2024 <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> It works with Laravel's Gate and authorization methods out of the box, and offers the following lightweight API to manage roles and permissions: use DirectoryTree\Authorization\Permission; use DirectoryTree\Authorization\Role; $createUsers = Permission::create([ 'name' => 'users.create', 'label' => 'Create Users', ]); $admin = Role::create([ 'name' => 'administrator', 'label' => 'Admin', ]); // Grant the permission to a role $admin->permissions()->save($createUsers); // Assign the role to a user $user->roles()->save($admin); // `can()` method usage in PHP: Auth::user()->can('users.create'); // Using Laravel's `Gate`: Gate::allows('users.create'); // Using Laravel's `@can()` directive: @can('users.create') <!-- This user can create other users. --> @endcan The above code snippet doesn't contain every method available—see the readme for usage details on managing roles and permissions with this package, which includes the following main features: Manage User roles and Permissions Create user-specific permissions Checking permissions and roles Caching permissions by default Use with Laravel's native Gate and authorization methods. Permissions are registered in Laravel's Gate by default Includes useful permission and role middleware To get started with this package, check out package on GitHub at directorytree/authorization. The post DirectoryTree Authorization is a Native Role and Permission Management Package for Laravel appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Anonymous Event Broadcasting in Laravel 11.5
Anonymous Event Broadcasting in Laravel 11.5

This week, the Laravel team released v11.5, with anonymous event broadcasting, Blade performance improvements, generating URLs with query parameters, and more. Anonymous Event Broadcasting Joe Dixon contributed anonymous broadcasts in Laravel for real-time applications using Laravel Echo: Sometimes you may wish to broadcast an ad-hoc event. An ad-hoc event is one where you don't need to hook into it anywhere else in your application. You just want to notify the frontend of something. For this, you don't want to go to the trouble of creating a brand new event, you just want to fire off a message. For this, we can use an anonymous broadcast using the Broadcast facade, which can be as simple as: Broadcast::on('my-channel')->send(); // You may dispatch to multiple channels at the same time: Broadcast::on([ 'my-channel', new PrivateChannel('my-channel'), 'presence-my-channel' )->send(); // Broadcast the anonymous event on a private or presence channel Broadcast::private('my-channel')->send(); Broadcast::presence('my-channel')->send(); To learn more about anonymous event broadcasting in Laravel, check out Laravel's Documentation. Blade Performance Improvements Taylor Otwell shared a thought about supercharging Blade component rendering performance. Two pull requests were accepted and merged as part of Laravel 11.5, which collectively improved Blade rendering by 20%: Supercharge Blade by Christopher Pitt Blade Component Loop Speed Improvement by Lonny Kapelushnik Ability to Generate URLs With Query Params Steve Bauman contributed the ability to generate URLs with query parameters via the new query() method: // http://localhost/products?sort=-name url()->query('products', ['sort' => '-name']); // http://localhost/products?columns[0]=name&columns[1]=price&columns[2]=quantity url()->query('products', ['columns' => ['name', 'price', 'quantity']]); // Overiding parameters: // http://localhost/products?sort=-price url()->query('products?sort=-name', ['sort' => '-price']); // Appending parameters // http://localhost/products?sort=-name&search=samsung url()->query('products?sort=-name', ['search' => 'samsung']); Add a Default Namespace for make:trait and make:interface @milwad-dev contributed a default namespace for make:trait and make:interface, which will create these classes in the following paths if they exist: Interfaces: App\Contracts App\Interfaces Traits: App\Concerns App\Traits If any of those folders exist in your project, Laravel will create the file in that namespace. For example, App\Contracts would take precedence over App\Interfaces. Lastly, the file is created in the App namespace directly if either of the directories are not found. Release notes You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 11.4.0 and 11.5.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog: v11.5.0 [11.x] Add namespace for make:trait and make:interface command by @milwad-dev in [11.x] Ability to generate URL's with query params by @stevebauman in [11.x] Adds anonymous broadcasting by @joedixon in [10.x] Binding order is incorrect when using cursor paginate with multiple unions with a where by @thijsvdanker in [10.x] Fix cursor paginate with union and column alias by @thijsvdanker in [11.x] Fix typo in tests by @milwad-dev in Fix argument type in Cache\Store by @GromNaN in Correct comment's grammatical and semantic errors by @javadihugo in [11.x] Replace matches typehint fix by @henzeb in [11.x] Exclude laravel_through_key when replicating model, fixes #51097 by @levu42 in [11.x] Add enum types to static Rule methods by @erik-perri in [11.x] Add decrement method to the rate limiter class by @AlexJump24 in [11.x] Remove dead code by @michaelnabil230 in [11.x] Fix support for other hashing implementations when using hashed cast by @j3j5 in Revert "[11.x] Adds support for int backed enums to implicit Enum route binding" by @driesvints in [11.x] Add support for enums in whereIn route constraints by @osbre in Clarify that \Illuminate\Http\Request::replace replace all input values by @treyssatvincent in [11.x] Fix db:show's --counts option by @xuchunyang in Update RuntimeException message when no data has been found by @mikemeijer in [11] Update DetectsLostConnections.php by @it-can in [11.x] Reset connection after migrate for FreshCommand by @driesvints in [10.x] Address Null Parameter Deprecations in UrlGenerator by @aldobarr in [11.x] Provide context for NestedRules by @imahmood in [11.x] Fix renaming columns with NULL as default on legacy MariaDB/MySQL by @hafezdivandari in [11.x] Supercharge Blade by @assertchris in [11.x] Allow implicit binding to have optional backed enums by @Neol3108 in [11.x] Blade Component Loop Speed Improvement by @lonnylot in [11.x] Fix normalizedNameCache by @Jubeki in [11.x] GenericUser use getAuthPasswordName instead of hardcoded column name by @Daniel-H123 in The post Anonymous Event Broadcasting in Laravel 11.5 appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Microsoft Clarity Integration for Laravel
Microsoft Clarity Integration for Laravel

The clarity-laravel package lets you easily integrate Microsoft Clarity into your Laravel application. I wasn't familiar with Clarity before seeing this package—it's a GDPR and CCPA-ready product that you embed in your application, and it can capture how people use your site: Heatmaps with Microsoft Clarity The main features that Clarity offers your application include: Heatmaps Session recordings Insights Google Analytics integration Integration is easy with this package: you set up a few environment variables and include the package's Blade component in your application's layout file: <head> <x-clarity::script /> </head> This package will enable Clarity based on the CLARITY_ENABLED environment variable value in the clarity.php configuration file. If setting the environment variable isn't flexible enough, you can set the :enabled property on the component with a variable boolean value that you define: <x-clarity::script :enabled="$enabled" /> While you could easily integrate the Clarity embed code in your application directly, this package takes care of it for you, and you can start collecting data in minutes. You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub. You can learn more about Clarity from the Microsoft Clarity documentation. You can also see a live demo The post Microsoft Clarity Integration for Laravel appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Apply Dynamic Filters to Eloquent Models with the Filterable Package
Apply Dynamic Filters to Eloquent Models with the Filterable Package

Filterable is a Laravel package by Jerome Thayananthajothy that enhances Laravel queries with adaptable, customizable filters and intelligent caching to improve both performance and functionality. The main features of this package include: Dynamic Filtering: Apply filters based on request parameters with ease. Caching: Improve performance by caching query results. User-specific Filtering: Easily implement filters that depend on the authenticated user. Custom Filter Methods: Extend the class to add your own filter methods. Defining Filter classes is at the center of this package, where you can create methods that can apply filtering to Eloquent queries. The package includes a make:filter Artisan command to generate a filter in your app's App\Filters namespace. Here's an example of a filter from the package's README: namespace App\Filters; use Filterable\Filter; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; class PostFilter extends Filter { protected array $filters = ['status', 'category']; protected function status(string $value): Builder { return $this->builder->where('status', $value); } protected function category(int $value): Builder { return $this->builder->where('category_id', $value); } } Given a PostFilter, you can utilize this class in a controller with the Post model to filter models based on the HTTP query params: public function index(Request $request, PostFilter $filter) { // i.e., /posts?status=active&category_id=2 $query = Post::filter($filter); $posts = $request->has('paginate') ? $query->paginate($request->query('per_page', 20)) : $query->get(); return response()->json($posts); } You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub. The post Apply Dynamic Filters to Eloquent Models with the Filterable Package appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Property Hooks Get Closer to Becoming a Reality in PHP 8.4
Property Hooks Get Closer to Becoming a Reality in PHP 8.4

The Property Hooks RFC passed a significant milestone, getting an overwhelmingly positive 34 "yes" votes and only 1 "no" vote. That's well above the required 2/3 majority required to pass. What are property hooks in PHP? Here's the proposal summary from the RFC: Developers often use methods to wrap and guard access to object properties. There are several highly common patterns for such logic, which in practice may be verbose to implement repeatedly. Alternatively, developers may use __get and __set to intercept reads and writes generically, but that is a sledge-hammer approach that intercepts all undefined (and some defined) properties unconditionally. Property hooks provide a more targeted, purpose-built tool for common property interactions... This RFC introduces two “hooks” to override the default “get” and “set” behavior of a property. Although not included in this initial version, the design includes the ability to support more hooks in the future. Property hooks are inspired by languages like Kotlin, C#, and Swift, and the syntax includes two syntax variants that resemble short and multi-line closures: class User implements Named { private bool $isModified = false;   public function __construct( private string $first, private string $last ) {}   public string $fullName { // Override the "read" action with arbitrary logic. get => $this->first . " " . $this->last;   // Override the "write" action with arbitrary logic. set { [$this->first, $this->last] = explode(' ', $value, 2); $this->isModified = true; } } } The syntax doesn't require that both hooks always be defined together; in fact, here's an example of only defining set from the RFC: class User { public string $name { set { if (strlen($value) === 0) { throw new ValueError("Name must be non-empty"); } $this->name = $value; } }   public function __construct(string $name) { $this->name = $name; } } You can read all the details about Property Hooks in PHP in the RFC. This feature looks likely to drop in PHP 8.4. The implementation is already a draft pull request if you want to see the discussion and progress of this feature. The post Property Hooks Get Closer to Becoming a Reality in PHP 8.4 appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Asserting Exceptions in Laravel Tests
Asserting Exceptions in Laravel Tests

Laravel's recent release of Laravel 11.4 introduced the Exceptions facade, which adds conveniences around asserting exceptions in Laravel's exception handler. Before this release, I would typically use the $this->withoutExceptionHandling() to assert that a specific exception happened during an HTTP test: use App\Exceptions\WelcomeException; $this->withoutExceptionHandling(); try { $this->get('/'); } catch (WelcomeException $e) { $this->assertEquals('Woops, there was an issue with your request!', $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail(sprintf('The expected "%s" exception was not thrown.', WelcomeException::class)); When you expect a request to not throw any exceptions, using withoutExceptionHandling cuts out the middleman when you're debugging why an error is happening when you don't expect it. The above code is tedious to write, because it manually captures the exception, makes assertions about the exception, and calls return to avoid the manual $this->fail() call. The manual failure will catch situations when the test doesn't throw an exception when expected. If $this->fail() is called in the above scenario, here's what the output would look like: $ phpunit There was 1 failure: 1) Tests\Feature\ExampleTest::test_the_application_returns_a_successful_response The expected "App\Exceptions\WelcomeException" exception was not thrown. /app/tests/Feature/ExampleTest.php:33 Laravel's Exceptions Facade Let's look at how the new Exceptions facade can simplify our test; the first example, rewritten, would look as follows: use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Exceptions; Exceptions::fake(); $this->get('/'); Exceptions::assertReported(function (WelcomeException $e): bool { return $e->getMessage() === "Woops, there was an issue with your request!"; }); Using the Exceptions facade gives us the bonus of not having to capture an exception to assert things manually. Said another way, the test can keep Laravel's exception handler in place but still be able to assert exceptions that happened during a request. If we want to be sure that a test doesn't throw a specific exception or doesn't throw any exceptions, period, the new facade has our back: Exceptions::assertNotReported(WelcomeException::class);   Exceptions::assertNothingReported(); If the exception handler does not report the WelcomeException, the test output would give us a nicely formatted message: $ phpunit There was 1 failure: 1) Tests\Feature\ExampleTest::test_the_application_returns_a_successful_response The expected [App\Exceptions\WelcomeException] exception was not reported. While there may be times when you don't want to fake Laravel's exception handler, when testing edge cases, the new Exceptions facade is tremendously helpful and cleans up our code: Exceptions::assertReported(WelcomeException::class); Exceptions::assertReportedCount($count); Exceptions::assertNotReported(WelcomeException::class); Exceptions::assertNothingReported(); Exceptions::throwFirstReported(); To learn more about the Exceptions facade, check out Laravel’s documentation. The post Asserting Exceptions in Laravel Tests appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Basset is an alternative way to load CSS & JS assets
Basset is an alternative way to load CSS & JS assets

It's 2024 and I'm calling it - Server-Side Rendering has officially made a comeback: in Laravel, where Livewire now has 46.000 installs per day in Ruby on Rails with Hotwire in Phoenix with Liveview in web dev in general with HTMX Now that "the old has become the new"... maybe it's time to re-visit another practice we've adopted from the Javascript ecosystem. Maybe it's time to... drop the build step? Crazy, I know! But there's been a lot of talk about no-build Laravel setups in my bubble. And there's one place where people invariably get stuck - "If we drop NPM, what do we do about JS dependencies?". Here's my answer to that - or at least an important first step. What if instead of installing our JS dependencies with a package manager like NPM and bundling them... we just load them directly from the URL? You know... similarly to what the founder of NodeJS himself is doing in Deno. He has publicly said NPM has become a mess and created an alternative for the JS ecosystem... why don't we do the same for the Laravel ecosystem? If you dream about the simple days when you could just load assets using asset(), try Basset - a better asset helper for Laravel. You just replace asset() with basset() to gain some super-powers: assets from CDNs are downloaded to /storage and served from there; vendor assets become possible to load; non-public assets become possible to load; it becomes impossible to double-load an asset during a request; In short, basset() removes the limitations of asset(), allowing you to load any asset you want, safely. That means in addition to this: <link href="{{ asset('path/to/public/file.css') }}"> You can safely do this: <script src="{{ basset(storage_path('file.js')) }}"> <script src="{{ basset(base_path('vendor/org/package/assets/file.js')) }}"> <script src="{{ basset('') }}"> This is a very simple solution for those who want to load assets "the old easy way" in their Laravel projects, because it solves a few problems with that "old way": Don't want GDPR issues? ✅ Solved - Basset will cache the asset to /storage and serve it from there. Don't want to depend on a CDN being up? ✅ Solved - the assets can be cached upon deployment (or on commit). Don't want to load an asset twice, if used by multiple components on that page? ✅ Solved - automatically. Concerned about the performance of loading multiple JS files vs one big bundle? ✅ Solved by HTTP/2, which makes it performant to load multiple Javascript assets on a single page. Granted, Basset may not be a perfect asset loading solution. At least not for every project. It's only been around for 12 months, so it's missing things like importmaps and the like, to make it a 1-to-1 alternative to NPM and Deno's way. But it has been around for 12 months and has proven its usefulness. Perhaps... it's time for us to take another look at how we load assets in our Laravel projects. Maybe we'll discover the simple way... is a good way. For some projects, at least. I suggest you give Basset a try. After all: it's been in production for 1 year already; it's maintained by the Backpack team; it's got 110.000 downloads already; it's under MIT License; If you have feedback on it, open an issue on Github and tell the team about it. A v2 is due soon enough, and we want to incorporate as much feedback as possible. The post Basset is an alternative way to load CSS & JS assets appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.

Reversible Form Prompts and a New Exceptions Facade in Laravel 11.4
Reversible Form Prompts and a New Exceptions Facade in Laravel 11.4

This week, the Laravel team released v11.4, with reversible form Prompts, a new Exceptions facade, Enum support in the Collection::mapInto() method, and more. Introduce the Exceptions Facade Nuno Maduro contributed the Exceptions facade: The Exceptions facade provides a consistent way to test exceptions in Laravel applications. Here is the list of methods that the Exceptions facade provides: assertReported assertReportedCount assertNotReported assertNothingReported throwOnReport throwFirstReported Here's an example from the pull request description illustrating the Exceptions::fake() method and assertReported() method: use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Exceptions; test('example', function () { Exceptions::fake(); $this->post('/generate-report', [ 'throw' => 'true', ])->assertStatus(503); // Service Unavailable Exceptions::assertReported(ServiceUnavailableException::class); // or Exceptions::assertReported(function (ServiceUnavailableException $exception) { return $exception->getMessage() === 'Service is currently unavailable'; }); }); Read our Asserting Exceptions in Laravel Tests article for more details. Livewire-style Directives @devajmeireles contributed the ability to use Boolean-style directives, without any defined value: {{-- Before --}} <x-fetch wire:poll /> {{-- Generates this HTML --}} <div ... wire:poll="wire:poll" /> {{-- After --}} <x-fetch wire:poll /> <div ... wire:poll /> Reversible Forms in Prompts Luke Downing contributed form prompts, which are a grouped set of prompts for the user to complete. Forms include the ability to return to previous prompts and make changes without having to cancel the command and start over: use function Laravel\Prompts\form;   $responses = form() ->text('What is your name?', required: true) ->password('What is your password?', validate: ['password' => 'min:8']) ->confirm('Do you accept the terms?') ->submit(); Here's an example of using values from previous responses: $responses = form() ->text('What is your name?', name: 'name') ->add(fn () => select('What is your favourite language?', ['PHP', 'JS']), name: 'language') ->add(fn ($responses) => note("Your name is {$responses['name']} and your language is {$responses['language']}")) ->submit(); See Pull Request #118 in the laravel/prompts project for implementation details. This feature is already documented in the Prompts documentation. Add Support for Enums on mapInto Collection Method Luke Downing contributed support for Enums on the Collection::mapInto() method, which allows you to build up enums from an array of values: public function store(Request $request) { $request->validate([ 'features' => ['array'], 'features.*' => [new Enum(Feature::class)], ]); $features = $request ->collect('features') ->mapInto(Feature::class); if ($features->contains(Feature::DarkMode)) { // ... } } An afterQuery() Hook Günther Debrauwer contributed an afterQuery() hook to run code after running a query: $query->afterQuery(function ($models) { // Make changes to the queried models ... }); Here's a use-case example from the pull request's description: // Before public function scopeWithIsFavoriteOf($query, ?User $user = null) : void { if ($user === null) { return $query; } $query->addSelect([ // 'is_favorite' => some query ... ]); } $products = Product::withIsFavoriteOf(auth()->user())->get(); if (auth()->user() === null) { $products->each->setAttribute('is_favorite', false); } And here's the code using the afterQuery() hook: // After public function scopeWithIsFavoriteOf($query, ?User $user = null) : void { if ($user === null) { $query->afterQuery(fn ($products) => $products->each->setAttribute('is_favorite', false)); return; } $query->addSelect([ // 'is_favorite' => some query ... ]); } Product::withIsFavoriteOf(auth()->user())->get(); Release notes You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 11.3.0 and 11.4.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog: v11.4.0 [11.x] Apc Cache - Remove long-time gone apc_* functions by @serpentblade in [11.x] Allowing Usage of Livewire Wire Boolean Style Directives by @devajmeireles in [11.x] Introduces Exceptions facade by @nunomaduro in [11.x] afterQuery hook by @gdebrauwer in Fix computed columns mapping to wrong tables by @maddhatter in [11.x] improvement test for string title by @saMahmoudzadeh in [11.x] Fix failing afterQuery method tests when using sql server by @gdebrauwer in [11.x] Fix: Apply database connection before checking if the repository exist by @sjspereira in [10.x] Fix error when using orderByRaw() in query before using cursorPaginate() by @axlon in [11.x] Add RequiredIfDeclined validation rule by @timmydhooghe in [11.x] Adds support for enums on mapInto collection method by @lukeraymonddowning in [11.x] Fix prompt fallback return value when using numeric keys by @jessarcher in [11.x] Adds support for int backed enums to implicit Enum route binding by @monurakkaya in [11.x] Configuration to disable events on Cache Repository by @serpentblade in Revert "[11.x] Name of job set by displayName() must be honoured by S… by @RobertBoes in chore: fix some typos in comments by @laterlaugh in Name of job set by displayName() must be honoured by Schedule by @SCIF in Fix more typos by @szepeviktor in [11.x] Fix some doc blocks by @saMahmoudzadeh in [11.x] Add @throws ConnectionException tag on Http methods for IDE support by @masoudtajer in [11.x] Add Prompts textarea fallback for tests and add assertion tests by @lioneaglesolutions in Validate MAC per key by @timacdonald in [11.x] Add throttle method to LazyCollection by @JosephSilber in [11.x] Pass decay seconds or minutes like hour and day by @jimmypuckett in [11.x] Consider after_commit config in SyncQueue by @hansnn in [10.x] Database layer fixes by @saadsidqui in [11.x] Fix context helper always requiring $key value by @nikspyratos in [11.x] Fix expectsChoice assertion with optional multiselect prompts. by @jessarcher in The post Reversible Form Prompts and a New Exceptions Facade in Laravel 11.4 appeared first on Laravel News. Join the Laravel Newsletter to get Laravel articles like this directly in your inbox.